High Flight

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gratuitous update (Christie)

OK, folks, I know you've been clamoring for more. So here it is.

For you out-of-towners -- the snow is gone, and tomorrow it's supposed to be about 80. Go figure.

Ben has learned to sit up on his own, and is all but crawling. He can get from one place to another, but I can't exactly put a word on what it is he's doing. ;) 

Morgan has been on spring break this week and has been driving me NUTS. Bless her heart, she's used to being entertained all day, I guess. I haven't been able to get her to get dressed or go out much, just to the park one day. (Ben had his first laid-out-on-a-blankie-in-the-sun experience that day, and he seemed to dig it.) I think earlier in the week she just wasn't feeling really good -- maybe the pollen that's blooming -- which was making her whiny. (I want you to PLAAAAAAAAYYY with me! I'm HUUUUUUNGRY! I don't WAAAAAAAAANT to get dressed!)

By the end of the week she was happier, though, and playing with Ben quite a bit. They really do play well together. I hope it lasts! And yes, I have been playing with her, she was just demanding a bit more than usual and possible with a little baby in the house!

Friday my mom offered for her to spend the night, and I jumped on it. She spent most of today there, then tonight we went to Joe's sister's house where she's spending tonight, with her three little cousins. I usually wouldn't let her skip church, but it was one of those rare extended family events that she'll probably remember forever. 

Next weekend, Joe and I are going on a business trip, to a conference in Louisville. I haven't been away from Ben since he was born, so this will be a challenge! Kristen P. will be taking care of him, and she ADORES him, so I'm not worried at all...just anticipating the attachment disorder on MY end! But I am looking forward to it...the speakers will include John Maxwell and Chris Gardner (the guy that The Pursuit of Happyness is about). If you haven't seen that movie, DO IT but be sure you have some tissues! It takes a long time to get to the happy part!!!

I guess that's enough for now...I'll save the updates about Ben's new smile, talking, etc. and Morgan shooting up like a weed for another time. But I have to add new photos! Enjoy!

Ben and Daddy playing yesterday 

Ben on Easter

Morgan with her matching baby doll Anabelle on Easter

Morgan at a friend's Hannah Montana bday party

Ooh, and one more thing, for laughs, from my BabyCenter profile:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Snow Day (From Christie)

In case the out-of-towners haven't heard, we're getting our once-every-two-years snow day today. Actually, we got a blip of snow a couple days ago, then it melted, and today we got several inches.

Morgan and I made our first snowman. Well, snowwoman. She's wearing Morgan's dress-up shoes and a Barbie tiara, so let's hope. ;)

The last one is Morgan making a snow angel. She has been talking about making one for literally YEARS now. I can't remember if she has actually ever made one before or not.

I know for a fact this was her first snowman. It was my first one since I was a kid, at least of these proportions. It just doesn't snow that much around here!

BONUS - Photos by Morgan (again)

Since Morgan's earlier photos of making cookies were such a hit, I allowed her to use the camera again today while we were waiting for the snow to get deep enough to be play-worthy. We are teaching Ben to drum on an oatmeal canister, which Morgan thinks is great fun. The first photo is by me, the rest by her!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged to write about seven things that most people wouldn't know about me. Beth, this is for you!

1. I, too, have a degree in Journalism and have loved writing since early elementary school. I was always the (only) one who got excited in school when the teacher said, "Let's do a creative writing exercise!" I followed the PR track rather than true journalism, but have not done much of that since staying home with kiddos.

2. It is in my life to-do list to someday write a book, probably several. I've planned on this since about the fifth grade, although the topics change over time. I have a book half written already in my head about television and its impact on the family.

3. I guess that leads to another one -- I have a life to-do list! I had a really great one that was in my planner that I LOST (that's right, the whole planner). What I can remember includes starting to play the violin again, writing a book, visiting eastern Africa.

4. I am a spelling, grammar and punctuation NAZI. The red pen queen. I can smell a misused apostrophe a mile away and have been known to call a business and let them know. I do tend to use fragments and such in digital media, though, so don't hate.

5. I was born in Pine Bluff and moved to Sherwood when I was halfway through first grade. Thank God. ;)

6. The one time I can remember going camping as a child, I got about 100 mosquito bites.

7. I do, however, make a heck of a good apple pie in a dutch oven over coals. (Learned from an expert at the museum where I used to work.)