High Flight

Sunday, February 10, 2008

And Now for Something Completely Different (From Christie)

Guess I should start specifying who is writing now, since Joe has taken an interest in chipping in!

Anywho, we have had a HEAVY but exciting week of the privilege of shepherding our little Sunday School flock at church. (Not belittling you guys, just sayin'!) Lots of stuff going on in all our lives. I told the class this morning that I believed this was because Satan knew we were effective tools (ha, I called us tools) for the Lord, and he couldn't STAND it. He's trying to take us all out with some CRAZY mess. Not going to share details because, duh, we're the teachers and that wouldn't be cool. We prayed that our class and our church would be protected, Satan would be bound and cast away from us and that God would direct us step by step in how to handle things, whether they were of our own making or just crazy attacks.

The lesson was about God restoring your joy after true repentance. How appropriate.

When I could have been really down or at least nervous after church today, I was actually quite jacked. It's cool when you know God is using you, even if you don't exactly know how or why.

In other news, I had an update on why I've been feeling so yucky lately. I have just figured for a while it was a relapse of my fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue, and I guess by the book it was. But turns out it was triggered by a major blip in my thyroid, which I have had before. I decided to go in last week and have it checked because my hair was falling out in huge amounts. Most folks -- even the doctor -- were saying it was probably just a flux in hormones after having a baby. Then the bloodwork came in, and they called me right away..."uhhh...you're gonna need some Synthroid, honey!" Been there, done that...it's good stuff. So maybe I'll be more of a morning person for a while. (Then, usually, a couple months later it swings the opposite direction and they take me off of it. Grrr...)

A pleasant side effect of the Synthroid -- other than the fact that I'll be more emotionally stable and able to be human before noon -- is that it kicks up your metabolism. I hear that it's used "underground" as a weight loss agent, although I can't see that being safe if you don't really need it. Anywho, I'll probably also lose the extra 15 lbs I've put on in the last month or so, apparently due to the sluggish thyroid.

I'm sure you really care about all that. Why don't you go read something useful? I'm sure there's a blog about how to make underwater baskets without all the annoying water and stuff. (Hmm...can you tell I'm getting tired?) Still have to wash clothes for those in the household going to work/school tomorrow, so guess I'd better go. Of all the 10 loads of laundry I did this weekend, somehow I still missed Joe's work jeans and Morgan's long sleeve school shirts.

OK, OK, CUTE PHOTO ADDENDUM by popular demand:

Ben has learned to roll to his belly, and he likes to hang there for a while now, especially to look at his own cute mug in the mirror. Can you blame him?

Second, Ben's last day in the bassinet at 5 months old. (Took us a while to get it together with the crib...was kind of waiting on moving, but...well, that can be another post.) Will post photos of the super cute airplane crib set later. (Thanks Mom & Dad!)


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