High Flight

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Update & House News

Sorry for the long delay in postings, for all the two people who might read this. ;)

I've been wrapped up in a few things, plus not feeling very well due to a flareup of fatigue and muscle pain. No biggie, just have to take it easy for a few days. I haven't been able to do that, though, so I totally crashed tonight and didn't make it to the Sunday night revival meeting. I knew it would be awesome, and Joe said it was. I just started feeling really sick and overwhelmingly sleepy while at a baby shower this afternoon. I got the kids in bed early and I'm going to BED at a reasonable hour today.

I haven't been able to take good care of myself just because of everything that needed to get done the past few days, mainly get the house clean for an open house that was today. Because I hadn't been feeling well, the laundry was waaaay backed up, and it was all I could do to work a bit on that and take care of Benjamin each day. Also, I've had to work around some plumbers who were here Thursday and Friday basically replacing every toilet, faucet and valve in the joint, as well as the water heater and pressure regulator. (Can you say, overdue jank?) This was done by Master Plumbing (Formerly $50 Plumbing), run by an old family friend who used to work for Joe's dad. They did a great job and NEVER quit working the whole time they were here, almost two whole days. My apologies to our other friends in that business, but he's a very special old friend.

So the past couple days were CRUNCH TIME for cleanup. Joe and I were up until 11 p.m. last night mopping, scrubbing, etc. 

The open house apparently went well, which is good. Even better, our plumber friend is interested in our property we're selling (the house isn't ours), so we may be able to buy our new house very soon!!! YAY!!!

I've also been in heavy prayer the past few days for a specific few individuals who were on my mind, some for obvious reasons and some just randomly laid on my heart. You might know who you are, if you're reading, or maybe you don't! I know you will receive victory, those of you who are wondering.  (We just sang a song in choir, "There's gonna be a vic'try, like there's never been!")

As usual, sorry this is so long. I just wanted to post and catch up a bit. More soon on the house. I can't wait to have a big victory party at our new place!!!


  • At January 14, 2008 at 12:40 PM , Blogger Beth said...

    glad things are going well with the house plans. I hope he buys the land and you guys can get moved. let us know if you need anything.

    Love ya!


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